Thursday, June 10, 2004

Is this life?

just recently i heard someone describe an ad on TV. the ad showed a small boy watching television. there was a documentary that showed a long queue of village folk waiting near a dry tap. everyone was eagerly awaiting the tap to start flowing. it was obvious that they were suffering due to water shortage and if anything could make their life better, it was water. the little boy turned around and saw his dad shaving in the bathroom. the tap in the basin was running full force. the boy ran up to the tap and turned it off. when he returned to his room, he saw that the people on television were happy, water had started pouring from the tap. there were big smiles across everyone's faces. it was such a happy feeling.

maybe the ad was a simple water conservation program. but it surely did its job. i started putting the tap off when i shaved, brushed my teeth. i started saving as much water as i could. if i knew i was going to drink only half a glass of water, i would fill only half a glass of water. i started asking guests how much water they would want and gave them exactly that much. they were impressed and started following the practice themselves. i saw that a small ad made such a big impact on me and my actions in turn made an impact on others.

it set me thinking, was i just waiting for an ad to start saving water? am i so lost in my life that i forget the basic things that i need to take care of? do i give things ample thought? am i being just to my friends, family and loved ones? i told myself that i needed to be more aware of the world around me. i started analyzing things more than i did before. i realized i was going far from my family just to come close to some temporary riches. i saw that i was not doing the things that i should be doing. i was straying away from my duties as an individual. i was running away from my responsibilities as a member of the society. is this what we call life?

all this starts a battle in my mind. i am caught up between whats right, whats wrong and whats my viewpoint. i fail to find the correct answer yet, i still keep thinking. maybe i will stumble on the best answer and accept it as the right one soon. i hope the day comes soon when life becomes organized. when people think about others also apart from themselves. the world will surely become a better place to live in.